Juels Larson Yoga
Mindful Yoga in Florence, Oregon
E-RYT 500, YACEP, Trauma Informed Yoga
In person classes at the Florence Senior Center weekly!
Special Events: to deepen your experience

Ashtangi Play-ground
Ashtanga is the original vinyasa yoga. Ashtanga links movement and breath while focusing on alignment and correcting issues caused by lifestyle choices. You will build strength and stamina as well as heal your body with this class taught in the traditional style with one on one assistance from the teacher.
Have you ever wished your yoga class was designed specifically for you? Come to our bi-monthly Ashtangi Play-ground workshop and you'll get just that! This two-hour and a half hour event will include individualized instruction on specific topics driven by student needs followed by a Primary Series practice. An established Ashtanga practice or regular participation in Ashtanga Mysore is recommended (Mon/Wed 5:15-6:45pm). This event is usually held on the first Saturday of every other month from 9:30-11:30am. Get on the email list for updates.

Restore into Nidra & Flow into Nidra
Need a mini-vacation? These special events combine either a relaxing restorative class or a vigorous flow class that culminate in a guided relaxation. Restore into Nidra begins with a series of restorative postures done with the support of blocks and blankets to nurture the body and ends in a full Yoga Nidra session. Flow into Nidra begins with a full hour vinyasa class to quiet your mind and ends with an abbreviated thirty minute Yoga Nidra session. For an explanation on the benefits of Yoga Nidra click here.
Chair Yoga for the Home/Office
Understand the effects daily stress has on specific muscles in our body. Learn quick fixes that can be done while seated at your desk to relieve tension. Experience a full chair yoga class which can be incorporated into your home practice. Explore how a chair can push your standing practice to new levels. Practice chair postures to boost your immunity during cold season. This workshop is great for all levels from beginner to advanced.
Rock Your Prop
Have you ever been in a yoga class and wished your arms were a little bit longer or your hamstrings a little more open? Learn how to use blocks, straps and blankets to improve your alignment in postures and acccess more challenging postures skillfully. This workshop is great for all levels from beginner to advanced.
Continuing Education for studios: Offering props to your students expands your pool of clientele and allows new students to feel instant success. All prop work will be designed to follow your studio's offerings.